The benefits of ductile iron pipe
Ductile iron pipe, made from ductile cast iron, is a graphite-rich cast iron in which the graphite has a spheroidal shaped molecular structure. This molecular structure makes the cast iron less brittle and more resistant to impact than the other varieties, which have a flaky structure. The ductile iron pipe is used in trenchless technology for water and sewer lines. Ductile iron pipes can have a life of more than 100 years if they are coated within and without with non-corrosive linings like cement, asphalt, paint, or polyethylene encasement.
Benefits of ductile iron pipe include:
- It requires very little maintenance once it’s installed and is designed 。
- According to a recent report by the American Water Works Association, the projected service life for modern Ductile Iron Pipe is at least 105 years. There is more iron pipe in service than any other pipe material, and Ductile Iron Pipe has the longest service life of any material on the market today.
- Having as much as 98% recycled content, Ductile Iron Pipe is itself a 100% recyclable material.
- Lower costs from increased flow capacity lead to significant energy savings during the pipe’s lifetime in service. Ductile Iron saves money.
- It is strong enough to withstand the most severe conditions, from high-pressure applications, to heavy earth and traffic loads, to unstable soil conditions.
- It is resistant to corrosion in most soils, and typically requires only effective, economical polyethylene encasement, a loose sheathing standardized by the American Water Works Association, in aggressive environments.
- With its strength, durability, and conservative design, Ductile Iron is the pipe of choice to protect against surges and increased pressure loadings over the years.
- Installation is easy and safe for workers who can cut and tap Ductile Iron Pipe on site.
- Ductile Iron Pipe is rugged and resists damage during handling and installation.
- The metallic nature of Ductile Iron Pipe means the pipe can be easily located underground with conventional pipe locators.
If you need ductile iron pipes,please contact Haihao Group,we have good price the